Search: 04, 04/2015

7 results


Students to share ideas for saving water, energy at Earth Day event

Project Green educates kids about California’s resources April 21, 2015 (Sacramento):  Twenty-eight student-led Green Teams will share their proposals for saving water and e ...

Press release - - 0 comments

May 21, 2015 Board Meeting

Contact the Board of Education Office 4:30 p.m. Closed Session 6:30 p.m. Open Session Agenda Items SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 7.1 – Stud ...

Board of Education Meeting - Contact the Board of Education Office - - 0 comments

June 4, 2015 Board Meeting

Contact the Board of Education Office 4:30 p.m. Closed Session 6:30 p.m. Open Session Agenda Items SPECIAL PRESENTATION 7.1  ...

Board of Education Meeting - Contact the Board of Education Office - - 0 comments

April 23, 2015 Board Meeting

Contact the Board of Education Office 4:30 p.m. Closed Session 6:30 p.m. Open Session Agenda Items CONSENT AGENDA 8.1a - Approv ...

Board of Education Meeting - Contact the Board of Education Office - - 0 comments

June 4, 2015 Board Meeting Minutes

Download Board Minutes, June 4, 2015 (Board Document, Agendas & Minutes (2009-2016)) ...

Board Document - - 0 comments

June 4, 2015 Board Meeting Agenda Packet

Download Board Meeting Packet, June 4, 2015 (Board Document, Agendas & Minutes (2009-2016)) ...

Board Document - - 0 comments

June 4, 2015 Board Meeting Agenda

Download Board Meeting Agenda, June 4, 2015 (Board Document, Agendas & Minutes (2009-2016)) ...

Board Document - - 0 comments