Search: 0, Construction Projects

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C.K. McClatchy High School’s Tennis Courts

Project Info:  C.K. McClatchy’s tennis courts were resurfaced. (Funded By Bond Measure Q-Completed Summer of 2018) Project Status: Completed Questions Concernin ...

Bond Project - - 0 comments

Sacramento High AC Paving at East Parking Lot

Sacramento Charter   Start Date:  May 10, 2015 Target Date: August 28, 2015   Project Info:  Pr ...

Bond Project - Sacramento Charter - - 0 comments - Archived

Rosemont High School Track & Field Project

Rosemont   Completion Date:  April 2014   Project Info:  Project Manager:  Lori Rubenstein ...

Bond Project - Rosemont - - 0 comments - Archived

John F. Kennedy High School Track & Field Project

John F. Kennedy   Completion Date:  September 2, 2014   Project Info:  Project Manager:  Lori Rubenstein ...

Bond Project - John F. Kennedy - - 0 comments - Archived

Hiram Johnson High School Gym – HVAC Project

Hiram Johnson   Completion Date:  September 1, 2014   Project Info:  Project Manager: Lori Rubenstein ...

Bond Project - Hiram Johnson - - 0 comments - Archived

C.K. McClatchy Auxiliary Gym Floor

C.K. McClatchy   Completion Date: April 8, 2015   Project Info:  Project Manager:  Lori Rubenstein ...

Bond Project - C.K. McClatchy - - 0 comments - Archived

Caroline Wenzel Paving Crack Fill & Seal Coat

Caroline Wenzel   Start Date:  June 12, 2015 Estimated Completion Date:  August 28, 2015   Project Info:  ...

Bond Project - Caroline Wenzel - - 0 comments - Archived

Construction Projects

The Planning & Construction Department is responsible for capital construction projects, Bond funded projects and state funded (modernization) projects for the Sacramento City Unified School District. (Overview, Construction Projects) ...

Overview - - 0 comments

Projects in Construction

(Pod, Completed Projects) ...

Pod - - 0 comments - Archived

Projects in Design

(Pod, Completed Projects) ...

Pod - - 0 comments - Archived